Several Counties Hit With West Nile Virus -- Schwarzenegger Declares Emergency

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency in three Califoria counties due to outbreaks of West Nile virsus. There have been over 50 human cases confirmed in California this year --which is 3 times the number recorded last year at this time.
Governor Declares Emergency in Counties Hit by West Nile Virus

The declaration applies to Colusa, San Joaquin and Kern counties -- the only three counties this year that have reported West Nile-related deaths. Four residents have died so far.

The proclamation ordered the Department of Public Health to distribute:
Up to $1 million to counties considered highly affected by the virus;
$350,000 for increased surveillance of mosquitoes, birds and other animals to measure the severity of the virus; and
$150,000 for early virus detection and prevention on state-owned properties.

Schwarzenegger has asked real estate agents, mortgage brokers and lenders to monitor vacant houses that could have standing water where mosquitoes breed.

This is the first time a state of emergency has been declared regarding the threat of West Nile virus.

The City of Long Beach is proposing to hike the fee for mosquito abatement from zero to $59 per hour. Wrong idea!!


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