Patient Information Available from State
The State Office of Patient Advocate offers several informative brochures that provide almost everything you need to know about HMOs (health maintenance organizations) and how they work and how they are rated for quality.
Most importantly are the publications that outline your rights as a patient. Check them out by clicking on :
What is an HMO?
California's HMO Guide
California's HMO Guide for Seniors
California HMO Report Card
Mental Health Parity Law
Your Rights as an HMO Patient
Your Voice, Your HMO Rights!
Most importantly are the publications that outline your rights as a patient. Check them out by clicking on :
What is an HMO?
California's HMO Guide
California's HMO Guide for Seniors
California HMO Report Card
Mental Health Parity Law
Your Rights as an HMO Patient
Your Voice, Your HMO Rights!